His arms were handcuffed behind his back, where the bullets had shredded part of the design on the leather jacket.
The two Hutus in the lead fell to the ground in the center of the valley, the bullets shredding their torsos.
By the time he'd stooped and risen again, a bullet from the Astra would be shredding his flesh.
The bullets shredded some leaves but otherwise missed the two fleeing assassins.
There was another burst of gunfire, the bullets shredding the ceiling, cutting a path in the plaster.
It was an uncomfortably eerie experience to see the bullets shredding the target and to hear only the clicking of the bolt.
As Apokolips' Dog Soldiers open fired on Mary, she ducked and the bullets shredded Mad Harriet instead.
The first explosive bullet shredded the carpet and pitted the floor.
Gunshots boomed, bullets shredded the walls.
There was something fascinating about the way the bullets shredded him, or maybe I just couldn't let go of the trigger.