If they were exactly right, an arrow shoots and hits the bulls eye.
The sloppy grin draped across his face serves as a convenient bulls eye, and Mary's date's fist homes in on it unerringly.
First, instead of shooting at targets shaped as bulls eyes, the United States Army switched to targets with a silhouette that mimics an average human.
It would be like shooting for a small pink bulls eye on a sheet of white paper.
This article hits the bulls eye.
You shoot your arrow and then you paint your bulls eye around it, and therefore you have hit the target dead centre.
He was claimed to shoot 100 arrows at a time and keep only the arrows in the bulls eye, and discarded the undesirable one.
Gloria surprises Claire by casually shooting a bulls eye and leaving Claire to practice.
At the same Christmas, his son gave Rodney a sweatshirt with a bulls eye on the back.
The 'bulls eye' of this target is called the granite core.