Each bump caused a cloud of black insects to rise from the meat.
Certain movements or bumps can cause sudden onset of tremendous pain and cramping that can last several minutes.
A bump in the road causes the wheel to move up and down perpendicular to the road surface.
So I never got to see whether any bumps in the terrain caused your hands to bump up to her bumps.
Due to their small wheels motorized scooters are not typically safe for street use as even the smallest bumps can cause an accident.
As he rolled out of his dressing-room door, a bump caused a spasm.
The bump sometimes causes the lead car's rear tires to momentarily lose traction.
As bumps can cause serious injury, there are rules to protect players, particularly to protect the head of a player being bumped.
Like tackles, a bump from behind will often cause a push in the back and the penalty is a freekick.
The bump causes a fluid line to be torn loose.