While a buoyant crowd of 35,000 swayed to a reggae beat at Jamaica's National Stadium, the United States soccer team never found its own rhythm today as it began the final round of qualifying for the 1998 World Cup.
Hillary Rodham Clinton acted as a one-woman advance team for her husband today, arriving here several hours before President Clinton and plunging into buoyant crowds for a bit of shopping.
It's all there: the multi-level, pastel-dappled dining room, the sprawling open kitchen (with a brick pizza oven), the shrill noise level, the handsome if bewildered waiters and waitresses, a trendy Italian menu, a buoyant young crowd.
However, rain poured down steadily, although a buoyant crowd still queued to enter the ground.
President George Bush visited the Pentagon three or four times during and after the Persian Gulf crisis, in carefully orchestrated tours among buoyant crowds.
It is a new Venezuelan restaurant on East 82d Street in Manhattan that is attracting a buoyant young crowd of adventuresome diners.
Day in day out, its contemporary interior is jam-packed with a buoyant crowd feasting on inventive seasonal creations cooked to perfection in little black enamel, oven-to-table cocottes (casserole dishes).
It was a shame both for fans and the spirit of a festival with a largely buoyant and good-natured crowd.
B Map It's all very trendy at this black-and-red cube where a buoyant crowd dines well any time of day.