While the West's economies languish, some other countries are enjoying buoyant growth, and their TV industries are flexing their muscles.
This happened despite the encouraging economic health of Britain's economy, which currently enjoys a strong currency, low inflation, buoyant economic growth and solid balance of payments performance.
This would not be the first time that a long stretch of stagnation gave way to buoyant growth, economic historians say.
This factor was the entry of English into a period of even more buoyant growth, both of student and staff numbers, from the late 1950s.
During New Jersey's buoyant growth in the 1980's - when the network's programming burgeoned to include a half-dozen public-affair shows - such expenditures might have been justified, they say.
Compulsory superannuation in combination with buoyant economic growth has turned Australia into a 'shareholder society', where most workers are now indirect investors in the stock market.
Similarly, shares of luxury goods businesses, which depend partly on buoyant growth and feel-good spending, were also punished today.
On November 2010, the IMF described the Zimbabwean economy as "completing its second year of buoyant economic growth".
In recent years, domestic demand has been the main contributor to economic growth, fuelled by buoyant growth in general government expenditure and household incomes.
Superficially, this is a sign of the continued buoyant growth and adaptability of football as the world's most popular sport.