Those who know Leonard Jenoff said his buoyant personality and relentless self-promotion masked a battered ego.
The focus of this exhibition is on improvisation - the unpredictable, syncopated motifs that give these textiles their buoyant personality.
Mr. Kean was, above all, a popular Governor, who used his buoyant personality to convery a feeling of hope about the state.
His buoyant personality and unpredictable persona make listeners feel they know him, another rare quality in commercial radio now that automated tape-changers do much of the work.
Shriver was a likable man with a buoyant personality who brought energy and gravitas to the ticket.
The jazz world also lost one of its greatest voices and most buoyant personalities when Ella Fitzgerald died in June at the age of 79.
This is hardly surprising as it takes a very buoyant personality indeed to cope with what appears to be constant rejection.
She is also noted for her buoyant and forthright personality.
Against all reason, it does, lifted by the buoyant personality of Ms. Daguin and her unshakable belief in the food of her native region.
She is best remembered for her exuberant and buoyant personality.