All Crown organisations should already maintain an IAR, so this should not be a burdensome task.
There are, apparently, too few typewriter-machinists to take over this burdensome task.
As the other doctors finished their history taking, they brought their notes to Marissa, who had begun the burdensome task of collating them.
Despite our previous visit, it was no easy thing to find the hulk again, and a slow, burdensome task to carry the furs all the way to the gig.
The candidates had been challenged at that point with a most burdensome task - to define a New Yorker.
Funds with 100 investors can have up to 35 nonaccredited people, though the managers must provide them with the equivalent of a prospectus, a sometimes burdensome task.
She meant that Goodstein, who assumed the burdensome task of reviving her husband's career, was working the phones to get him a job.
Some inventions save people's lives; others improve them by lightening or speeding burdensome tasks.
Good reports have been adopted, and the capacity for tackling burdensome tasks has been further enhanced along with the quality of political dialogue.
It is also proposed that we should have a common support service to help the small agencies with burdensome administrative tasks.