Show quality is criticised as by former music director Alexander Vedernikov who told the theater was putting "bureaucratic interests before artistic ones".
While the government of Japan is a parliamentary democracy, political corruption is an issue, often driven by the competition of corporate, military and bureaucratic interests.
Schlosser defined the prison industrial complex as "a set of bureaucratic, political, and economic interests that encourage increased spending on imprisonment, regardless of the actual need."
There is still need for an agency, independent of the policy and bureaucratic interests of soldiers and diplomats, to prepare intelligence reports for the President.
Indeed, early indications point to a scramble by the military services to protect their own bureaucratic interests at the expense of the national interest.
"I have been around too long to underestimate the difficulty of changing longstanding structural arrangements, old habits, and vested bureaucratic interests," he said today.
But in the intervening months, Chinese industrial and bureaucratic interests began to lobby against such deep concessions.
These specialists assert that there are potential risks in having the Pentagon operate the inspection agency, suggesting possible conflicts of bureaucratic interest.
Yet it is being pushed hard by industrial and bureaucratic interests, on both sides, who stand to benefit financially.
The EU's bureaucratic interests come second.