British Aerospace, privatized in 1981, is one of the most efficient and profitable companies, while Aerospatiale has a history of Government largess and bureaucratic management.
She argued against lengthy, detailed, and relatively inflexible teachers' union contracts and "ossified, bureaucratic management", as overly constraining principals.
De-Managing America (1976) argued that the inefficiency of bureaucratic management required a turn toward decentralized methods of solving social problems.
National liberalism is a variant of liberalism, combining nationalism with some liberal policies, especially regarding education, state-church relations and modern, efficient, bureaucratic management.
Additional factors in the time and cost increases were a lack of tradesmen skilled in naval construction, overly bureaucratic management, and low labour productivity.
I.B.M.'s problems are caused by a bureaucratic management that lost touch with the realities of the marketplace a long time ago.
Soviet Space Effort Faulted A top Soviet scientist has warned that bureaucratic management is jeopardizing the space program.
Accordingly, bureaucratic management is not only increasingly wasteful but it also prevents the system of the planned economy, based upon socialized property, from operating effectively.
Amongst other things, the report provides for greater rigour -given this tough time of economic crisis - in terms of the bureaucratic management of the European organisational system.
Artists complained about bureaucratic management, unusable public space, inadequate publicity and poor facilities.