He wants Alex to take over his business, the hole-in-the-wall souvlakia and burger restaurant where he has been cooking for 20 years.
While in central Texas, did you happen to try any of the excellent, inexpensive burger restaurants?
Monica Dawson is trying to enter a management training program for the burger restaurant where she works.
After more than 800 commercials, it was clear that Thomas played a major role in Wendy's status as the country's third most popular burger restaurant.
In 1977, he borrowed money from his family to open the Court Jester, creating a wood-paneled steak and burger restaurant with a bar.
After school that day, several of the students go to the Burger Blast, a burger restaurant.
Even burger restaurants pay new hires well above the federal minimum wage, which is $5.15 an hour.
At Pomphlett there is a superstore and drive-through burger restaurant.
He is the proprietor of a burger restaurant which he enjoys almost more than anything else.
Roadside Diner - a popular burger restaurant.