Officer Martinelli said he narrowly escaped such a tragic mistake when responding to a burglary call in Queens last year.
When Officer Gary Kinsey handled a routine burglary call in the area recently, he noticed that only some of the family's jewelry was missing.
The two officers and a lieutenant were answering a burglary call in Washington Heights at 11 p.m., the spokesman said.
It turned on a routine burglary call from a houseboat caretaker on Wednesday afternoon.
A wayward police officer on a burglary call (Ray Liotta) outstays his welcome in the home of grateful suburbanites (Kurt Russell and Madeleine Stowe).
The marshal was investigating a burglary call.
The man was holding a garden shovel and a hammer when officers approached him about 8:45 p.m. in response to a burglary call at 598 East 139th Street, the police said.
As they answer a burglary call at a market, Gus opens fire on a suspicious figure in the alley, only to discover to his horror that it is the owner of the store.
He answers a burglary call and the victim turns out to be Lorrie, a nurse who helped him after he got shot.
At about 10:45 p.m. on October 3, 1974, Memphis Police Department Officers Leslie Wright and Elton Hymon were dispatched to answer a burglary call next door.