The main burials diagnostic is that areas not covered with grooves or brush are made after cooking.
As of 2010, more than 20,000 burials and interments have been made here.
Shortly after, the first burial was made and the grave is still preserved in the I. Division.
No further burials were made there, and some bodies were moved elsewhere.
In both cases the burials had been made on what was then the fringe of the likely cultivated area.
Previous to this, burials were made in the city church yards but it became evident that more room would be required and preferably, out of town.
Fort Bliss itself was not established until the 1840s, but burials were made in the area of the cemetery as early as 1833.
The first burial there was made on May 13, 1864.
Since the burials were likely made over several generations, only a relatively small number of individuals were marked with mounds.
The burials of the soldiers were made in the years 1946 and 1947.