The swing of his burly body made his friend execute a few light skips from the path to the roadway and back again.
His burly body seems, to Sybille, a study in mobility, in preparedness.
Hesser found the aromas delicate, in contrast to the burly body.
I try to envision his huge burly body atop Jude's wiry slender self, pressing down.
He was older than Noret by at least five years, and his strength came from a burly body and heavy muscles.
He put both hands on the table and leaned toward her, aggressiveness in every line of his burly body.
A second hand slapped over her mouth while she was yanked against a big, burly body.
A burly body broke his fall.
His burly body slouched heavily in the hard-backed chair, but he paid no attention to his discomfort.
The burly body that was under the influence of both heads remained still.