Does this price increase mean you can burn DVDs and watch them?
I'm one of those people that burn DVD's for backup.
People who are burning up the miles can also burn DVD's on the go without needing to haul around another hefty piece of hardware.
Users then can share their creations by email, print, social networks, and burned DVDs.
This model was notable for being one of the least expensive brand-name computers at the time that could burn DVDs.
Simple burned DVD, with a printed lable, and a printed cover for the box.
If you want to burn DVDs and CDs, make sure the drive can handle it.
Luckily, consumers have an alternative to burning DVD's or uploading personal video to sharing sites like or
They burned DVD's of movies and then walked them to their DVD player.
Mr. Marvis said for those titles, five times as many people burn DVD's as watch movies on their computers.