The only light came from the smouldering fires that burned sluggishly here and there among the wreckage.
A handful of fires burned back there, among the tents.
The winter sun burned low to northwest, big and dazzling white in a pale sky, among hurried stormclouds.
Orthopaedics and burn surgery rank among the top in China, even abroad.
The tribe must be sitting round the gutted pig, watching the fat ooze and burn among the ashes.
Red roofs of the cottages burned among the blue haze.
How it burned alive in radiance among its black web.
Not only do they burn and plunder among honest creatures, but they are savage to their own kind.
Incense burned before the statue of Ganesh, and there were many candles burning among the plants.
Fires burned sullen among the squatters in the field.