However, Sheridan later rescinded the order upon receiving news that it had been a fair fight, but not after having burned nearly thirty houses and barns.
I had come east to fight a war, not to rape fan women and burn barns.
He apologized to the latter for burning his house and barns at Saratoga.
So we burn our silos and barns.
Willard continued to burn four houses and several barns in the early morning of August 17.
They moved against the civilian population that supported the Boers, burning their houses and barns.
Moving north "down" the Valley, the Union troops burned crops, food, barns and anything that might be useful to the Confederate army.
When he raided, he often burned sugar cane fields, houses and barns, and he continued to kill slaves who were loyal to their masters.
The invaders burned houses and barns, and killed men, women and children.
The goal was to deny the Confederacy the means of feeding its armies in Virginia, and Sheridan's army burned crops, barns, mills, and factories.