Now iRiver is introducing a digital music player that both reads and burns discs no bigger than a quarter.
I also burned discs with my Palm and Quicken data and my Outlook Express e-mail folders.
Robotic duplicators will run unattended and are used to burn discs without the need for an operator to load and unload discs.
Along with settings that will create Blu-ray-ready H.264 files, though, is new capability to burn DVDs and Blu-ray discs directly from Compressor, along with simple menu templates.
Right before the iPod he was using portable MP3 CD player, which required him to burn discs.
In 1999, Alliance Entertainment's RedDotNet subsidiary unveiled kiosks that would burn discs in retail outlets while customers waited.
If you absolutely have to burn Blu-ray discs in the field, MCE's drive will certainly get the job done, but we wouldn't want to lug the thing around if we didn't have to.
The Sony drive can't burn Blu-ray discs, but at least you can carry it with you.
If you so choose, you can upgrade to a drive that plays Blu-ray media or one that can burn Blu-ray discs.
Media Suite allows users to watch Blu-ray discs, face-tag photos, edit audio and burn discs among a range of other functions.