Weeks later the hall burned down at approximately 2:30am on a Saturday night.
His eyes burned down at it for a moment, then rose to Ortak once more.
The store burned down at one point, but Bedoya immediately built a new one.
"Exactly-but I don't want anyone with me whose only thought would be to burn me down at the first opportunity."
Why wasn't the native burned down at twenty paces?
The Martyrium burned down at the end of the 5th or early 6th century, as attested by fire marks on the columns.
These troops burned down the barracks at midnight and soon joined the others in New Jersey.
There was an ominous tightness to his mouth, a line of white fury, a threat in the dark eyes that burned down at her.
When she opened her eyes again, Jake's were burning down at her.
Its eyes burned down at me, trying to catch mine with their deadly hypnotic gaze.