She lingered there a little longer, trimming the wick until the flame was burning evenly.
When it was burning evenly, she climbed under the blanket again and snuggled against him.
Satisfied that the logs were burning evenly, he sat down again and continued.
If the portfires burned evenly, he had eight minutes to go - barely enough.
Once the pipe was burning evenly, Ofwa rose and stood behind the two squatting women.
The cheroot burned slowly and evenly, restoring a little of his good humour.
They have to be well dried to burn evenly.
It was burning evenly with a firm inch of grey ash and he nodded approvingly.
Every few years Phssthpok spent some time watching the drive, just to be sure it was burning evenly.
Long filled cigars of high quality should burn evenly and consistently.