No one wanted to sleep, so lamps burned late throughout the camp.
It was built after a turn-of-the-century inn on the site burned late in the 60's.
Within a week Blade and Alixa could look out at the palace and the lights burning late from their bed.
His lights burned late into the night, and few hours out of the twenty-four were wasted in sleep.
Grand Duke was ordered to Shreveport, Louisiana where she burned late in 1863.
"The lights are burning late in the chanceries of the eastern liberal establishment," he declared.
I collected wood and he started a fire, which even in the wind and rain kept burning late into the night.
In most offices the lights burned late into the night.
Beyond that, there is a domestic budget battle that has lights burning late at the Treasury.
Other discoveries have been made after the police notice or are informed of electric lights burning late at an uninhabited farmhouse.