A1 Some wildfires were allowed to burn unattended in Yellowstone National Park after the park officials were ordered to attack them.
There were also a number of small fires that burned unattended while firefighters struggled to contain the biggest blazes.
More alarms sounded every minute, and fires burned unattended in a chaos of screams and shouted orders.
The problem is especially acute at night, when, it appears, some manufacturers fire up their mold-making ovens and leave them burning unattended until morning.
The department was forced to let many fires burn unattended, not because it lacked sufficient engines at first but because the police did not have enough officers to protect firefighters.
Yet when half the park was scorched, several political leaders in the area expressed surprise and blamed the National Park Service policy of letting some fires burn unattended.
Some wildfires were allowed to burn unattended in Yellowstone Park for nearly three weeks after National Park Service officials were ordered to fight all fires, park officials say.
A fully loaded basket can burn unattended for 2 to 12 hours.
Even now, work is concentrated on the Ahmadi oil field in the southern part of the country, where the infrastructure is better, while wells burn completely unattended in the northern part.
Smoking could also be used as a means to subvert censorship, as two cigarettes burning unattended in an ashtray was often used to 'suggest' sexual activity.