Skin grown in a laboratory is commonly grafted to burn victims.
This treatment is only for recently burned victims; it will not yet work for those who suffered the injury a few months prior.
But paramedics have already learned to take trauma and burn victims to specialized hospitals.
Autopsies on drowning and burn victims have also shown alcohol present in more than 60 percent of deaths.
BCV should not be used on open wounds or burn victims.
Today the death toll rose to 81 as two more severely burned victims died.
Total casualties from the Republican attack were 31 dead and 110 wounded, 71 seriously, mostly burn victims.
At this time that narrows it down to burn victims and those with congenital heart disease.
Burn victims received the most money, with 40 people awarded an average of $2.1 million - the same award as for the average death claim.
Ordinary citizens drove injured people and burn victims to the hospital.