The agents were led to the students by tire tracks at several burned churches, officials said.
He had been convicted of racketeering and grand theft for 1) selling bogus membership lists to companies that sought access to black consumers; and 2) stealing donations intended to rebuild burned black churches.
The coalition raised $750,000 to rebuild burned black churches and is hosting a conference on racial reconciliation in Baltimore next week.
Questions like these have led to rumblings about some of the fund-raising efforts to rebuild the burned churches.
Quaker Workcamps International specializes in rebuilding burned churches in the United States.
(The evidence points to this church though there is no conclusive local report that identifies the burned church explicitly.)
Ministers at some of the other burned churches have complained that investigators were treating them like criminals rather than victims in questioning them.
Also, a surprisingly favorable article about the Christian Coalition's campaign to recruit blacks and help rebuild burned black churches: This seems to be a truly sincere effort to atone for a history of white Christian racism.
Ms. Edwards faced one racketeering count and was not charged in the scheme to steal money from the fund for burned black churches.
The prosecution produced two letters from Mr. Lyons to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, falsely reporting that the money it had donated to the burned black churches had been distributed.