Walker groaned and rubbed his hand over his eyes, quickly discovering that the image of Fiona stretching had been burned indelibly into his retinas.
He simply repeated three dates over and over, reciting them as if they were burned into his memory more indelibly than his wedding anniversary or birthday.
His broad shoulders, his tall stature, those remarkable dark lashes and gray eyes: already he was burned indelibly on her mind.
Burned indelibly into the scales, on both her starboard and port sides, the ship displayed her name in bold red script--swept astern to give the illusion of speed.
Truly, moments like this try the soul and become indelibly burned into the mind.
The feel, taste, and smell of her were indelibly burned into his lips, skin, and heart.
"My orders are burned indelibly on the skin of my brain," Drake said, bowing.
The contents of the album had been burned indelibly into whatever was left of Conner Egan's heart.
That doorway is indelibly burned into my memory.
It was burned indelibly into my consciousness.