From their burnished surfaces and edges the sun struck out the jewel glints.
Her tiny energetic figures are stenciled, stamped or drawn, their burnished surfaces and rough outlines suggesting medieval rubbings and centuries of anonymous image-making.
They are cut from steel plates and are characterized by burnished surfaces and motifs of chains, disks, squares, rectangles, posts and lintels.
The beady black eyes stared at him snappingly with hostility reflected from their burnished surfaces.
(Later a dry process with two burnished surfaces was also used.)
Other types of Halaf pottery are known, including unpainted, cooking ware and ware with burnished surfaces.
The huge Mirror Man stopped and stood still right in front of her, his burnished surfaces reflecting her own paralyzed form back at her.
An Other-worlder, the giant Mirror Man, emerged from the smoke, reflecting on his own burnished surfaces the conflagration around him.
He concentrated on the links, on the smooth burnished surface of the chain, on the way they were fastened.
The sculpture is simple in form, roughly like two doors set at a right angle, and with its burnished surfaces, it feels light.