Carbon dating analysis of the burnt charcoal and burnt clay in situ showed it was covered by earth on or around AD 446.
The extended section of the dam was formed with tipped material containing burnt clay and a core of clay puddle.
These are found to be of steatite, sandstone and burnt clay.
The pieces may be stones or made from burnt clay.
Large deposits of ash, burnt clay and associated briquetage have been found in numerous places along this coastal strip.
The culture was characterised by small figurines of burnt clay and animal heads made of stone.
The building was built on an elevated rammed earth foundation, which was then layered with burnt clay.
Ballast was a mix of burnt clay and ash.
The remains of a pear-shaped hearth were uncovered, surrounded by pieces of burnt clay that probably used to line the hearth.
The solid balls of burnt clay were the size of a ripe pomegranate but heavy as ivory.