About 100 tenants lugged protest signs onto chartered buses bound for Albany, where they held demonstrations against changes in rent laws.
They located the bus bound for Jacksonville and let the bus driver take their luggage to stow it away.
The soldiers boarded a bus bound for the morgue, where Sergeant Sebban lay in a body bag.
Frank hailed an approaching bus bound for the section of the city in which the Robinsons lived.
Other buses bound for Madani Jutaku 4 are also available which stop in the nearest residential area.
And he was sure no one had followed him when he boarded a bus bound for Bandol, farther along the coast.
Residents, for example, must walk 20 minutes to reach a bus bound for Yonkers, a popular destination.
The team had just landed at the Pittsburgh airport and was boarding the bus bound for the team hotel.
They rose each morning at dawn and boarded public buses bound for their jobs.
When other buses bound for Washington drove past, the passengers waved at each other.