I smelled the perfumes and pomatums; I busily cleaned and dusted the bottles with my handkerchief as I took them out.
The young man behind the counter was busily cleaning one of the antique kaffa brewers that lined the back wall.
The crew moved about jostling each other; Corbett gathered that the ship had recently returned to port and the crew were busily cleaning the decks.
They were, except for Dr. Cantor who was, typically, bored and busily cleaning under his fingernails.
Pitman, the butler of Marcus, was busily cleaning silver.
The vehicle, painted white with a red crescent, was parked at the clinic entrance, where Osama was busily cleaning it.
"The future is totally unclear for me now," she said, standing in the courtyard of the school as girls buzzed behind her, busily cleaning classrooms.
N'ton turned his head to his fire-lizard and, in a moment, Tris gave a quick chirp and then busily cleaned his forepaw.
He set 299 out in that direction, winding between people busily cleaning and decorating the city.
Other servants had lowered the immense crystal chandelier from its mount on the central roof beam and were busily cleaning it and replacing candles.