Cottage industry - small, locally owned businesses usually associated in fishing with traditional methods and low relative yield.
Furthermore, there are more than 1000 businesses associated with the value-added wood products.
As such his business and any business associated with him were barred from ever obtaining another contract from the government.
Clothing isn't the only big business associated with hip-hop.
This was one of many businesses associated with John D. Rockefeller.
The incubator works to foster the start-up and growth of technology-based businesses associated with the university.
The commercial businesses associated with the parish accounted for 3000 réis worth of income (15 June 1598).
This concerns not only the large car firms, but also all businesses associated with the car industry.
So it is venturing into a business long associated with commercial banks to try to tighten its hold on a high-end clientele.
Hastings also hosts many small businesses associated with the recreational boating industry.