The right choice will depend on your situation and aims, but you must be sure that your business can cope with the resulting increased level of demand.
Sears Roebuck & Company provides a glimpse into how businesses are coping.
Could your business cope with expansion, or is it working at full capacity?
This is just a small, exploratory step that most businesses can cope with.
Disaster recovery specialists generally help banks and other businesses cope with man-made mishaps like an ammonia spill or a fire.
Most businesses coped in temporary quarters, but a week's closing quickly changed to a month, so the costs of all that jury-rigged commerce will surely skyrocket.
The Grace Gawler Institute has designed workplace programs to help businesses cope with employees with cancer.
Nissan's Ghosn said last November many projects were being moved outside Japan because businesses could not cope with current exchange rates.
If you take on more business than your cashflow or current assets can cope with, you could be at risk of overtrading.
Annualisation of the 48 hour week will allow businesses to cope with seasonal fluctuations, sudden increases in demand or crisis situations.