Their main business at the time was importing Hermann Aegler's Swiss Movement (clockwork)s to England and placing them in quality watch cases made by Dennison and others.
Roadrunner's initial business was importing North American metal-band recordings into Europe.
Domestic United States-owned business imported only $3,093 for each worker.
Since Wall Street no longer uses ticker tape to track its trades, businesses must import it specially for parades or use shredded telephone books or computer paper.
Canadian businesses legitimately import the chemical substance in powder form, mostly from China.
His father's business was primarily importing goods from Western countries and later manufacturing textiles and other ventures.
American businesses imported $183 billion worth of goods and services in November, up $500 million from October.
To fill these teams, many business and organizations imported young Canadians like George Lamb and Bill Hamilton and set up teams.
Since no one can get credit, businesses cannot import needed products and farmers cannot get loans to plant crops.
His business soon expanded and imported several other types of goods, mostly from France.