Mrs Janette Pallas, business incubation and enterprise manager, De Montfort University, Leicester.
DMCI provides business incubation and development services to help entrepreneurial start-ups become high-growth companies.
It has three stories of rental space, offices for social, health care services, entrepreneurial, business incubation, and technology center are housed with the FilCom Center.
Supporting this resurgent entrepreneurial culture requires up-to-date, appropriate technical assistance and business incubation badly needed by our community-based food and agriculture enterprises.
He currently owns a marketing and "business incubation" company called Suite 850.
Small business incubation (i.e. provision of space at low or no cost to start-up businesses)
Promoting technology business through business incubation and the Business Development fund.
The AIDG has three primary programs: business incubation, education, and community outreach.
Though each program - business incubation, education, and outreach - is described separately, they are integrated to such a degree that none would be able to function alone.
Doug Richard is an England-based Californian entrepreneur and specialist in technology transfer, commercialisation, and business incubation.