Last month, local businesses owed $20,000 in unpaid advertisements.
All this provides is more time to work out a new deal between the owners and the people the business owes money.
Some businesses owe much of their success to this marketing technique, a notable example being
The charities and businesses owed money for sports advertising they never received.
The organization is topheavy with people who've been around for years and believe the business owes them a living.
"You start feeling like this business owes you something, you're in trouble."
Answer guide: In this case the business owes the bank money which needs to be repaid in the short term.
In May 2007, it was reported that the business owes more than $150,000 in back taxes and penalties.
The business does not owe any other tax or fee to the Department of Revenue.
Greek citizens and business only owe 21.9 billion dollars.