Most businesses can save a substantial amount of money by reducing waste.
Every year employees are asked to suggest three ideas - for example - where the business could save money or improve the firm's efficiency.
As of January 1st, middle class families and small businesses will now save nearly $1 billion in taxes.
After all, businesses, through retained earnings and capital appreciation, save, too.
"For me, it's more about testing a concept than a passionate sense that businesses should plant trees or save water."
Today, there are countless ways businesses can save money using technology and outsourcing, but few take full advantage.
A typical business that employs about 300 people and runs up $487,000 a year in utility costs would save $11,400, according to those figures.
Your business can save water in a number of key ways at industrial sites:
Your business can save money by using better waste management techniques.
By creating a single set of rules, such a new framework will enable businesses to save on administrative costs.