To understand how business strategists used military strategies, we can look at the innovations of Napoleon and apply then to business situations.
Although his background is in technology, he said, "I consider myself these days much more as a business strategist than a technologist per se."
Rameesh is also a business strategist and helps organizations convert white spaces into opportunities.
Jephcott was cognitive of new scientific ideas, had an interest in pharmaceutical sales, and was a good business strategist who understood company administration as well.
And business strategists say the steps the company is taking to branch out into financial services are crucial.
In an earlier career, Moore was a business strategist.
He was a master of psychological warfare, a cunning business strategist, and a champion chess player.
It's a great time to be a Hollywood screenwriter, but rough on policy makers and business strategists.
Evan Rosen is an American author, speaker, business strategist, blogger, and journalist.
She has since found a job as a business strategist with a software company in Hauppauge.