He reached in his inside pocket and brought out a white, business-size envelope, which he placed on the table in front of Banks.
Include a business-size, stamped, self-addressed envelope when you request the pamphlet.
The white business-size envelope was addressed to the newspaper, not to an individual, and bore a Philadelphia postmark, the police said.
A thick yellow business-size envelope slid out, and I picked it up off the floor.
Claire eyed the stack of business-size envelopes, and her throat went dry.
Send a stamped self-addressed, business-size envelope and request the recommended book list.
And for a stamped, business-size envelope he will supply a copy of the post office's list of the 305 first-day cities.
It was a plain white business-size envelope with my name printed in silver paste-on letters.
Send a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope if requesting material.
For a reply, enclose a stamped, business-size envelope.