The private sector can do much more, and it can be done on a businesslike basis.
The resulting organization scheme assured that the Marshall Plan was run carefully and on a businesslike basis.
Cadett said the signing, was carried out "on a cold and businesslike basis."
"The first order of the day was to put the garden on a businesslike basis," he said.
"The underlying philosophy behind many of these changes is that we're trying to put the state government on a more businesslike basis."
It was just like Miss Gussie to approach the world on a frank, open, businesslike basis.
He kept his relationship with Kate on an impersonal, businesslike basis.
I'm just trying to put it on a businesslike basis.
"Provided it is arranged on a businesslike basis, without irrelevant issues."
One of our members is working with them to help put the organization on a businesslike basis.