In the late twenties, a hopeful businessman built an ornate office tower to enhance Midland's prestige and named it the Petroleum Building.
So, the businessman eventually named the jelly and the vines after his daughter.
Next day on the radio, they said a businessman named Mr. Theodore Bright got killed attempting to escape from a kidnapping.
The villain is a middle-class small businessman named John Wright who decides to assassinate the President of the United States.
A wealthy businessman named Mr. Diagoras appears in Hooverville to recruit workers for sewer construction.
A free Black businessman in Boston named Paul Cuffe sought to be excused from paying taxes since he had no voting rights.
Among the group leaving was a young businessman named John Rolfe, who had lost both his wife and small child since leaving England.
Apparently, a rich businessman named Mr. Chan is trying to take the where the home stands.
When Hugo disappeared for good, Blake married a young businessman named John Munro, who never realized the child she bore was not his own.
The 18th century saw change, as a new hall was built a new owner-a wealthy businessman from Tyneside named John Burdon-began to develop the grounds.