This is a practice in Japan where older businessmen pay teenage girls more commonly to simply spend time with them, or rarely for prostitution.
They managed to raise three thousand and now a businessman, who doesn't want to be named, has stepped in and paid the rest.
Military officials found that 320 businessmen had not paid taxes, even though most of them were regular taxpayers before the uprising began 23 months ago.
If the businessman does not pay a ransom, he said, "then they'll move onto physical intimidation."
Mr. Richards, a general manager at the club, watched as a businessman sitting a few feet away paid $20 for a lap dance.
He highlighted that the average Georgian businessman was paying 233 lari ($115) in bribes every month.
A local businessman paid for trips to an amusement park.
A businessman pays for a home-remodeling job with his Mercedes.
A local businessman is paying to renovate the trailer.
A businessman, he paid for the construction of a mosque in his native village.