The Barnumlike businessman used to charge a 25-cent admission to the store, and everybody paid.
At that price, some experts question whether even well-heeled businessmen will use the service other than as a last resort.
Local businessmen also used it in the late evenings as a relaxation spot after a hectic days work.
On a daily basis, more than 15.000 executives, managers and businessmen use it for their information.
These businessmen and journalists used their own credentials as cover.
The charismatic self-made businessman often uses blunt street language to reach young people.
It is an old village known for its big market where the businessmen in old times used to transact.
Just because it can be engineered safely does not mean that businessmen and politicians decades in the future will use the technology properly.
Many tourists and traveling businessmen also use the service.
The judge instead let a local businessman use the fast-food chain's name and golden arches.