Seeing the rebuilt city and the bustling traffic, the head of the north delegation said, "We're not stupid, you know.
Out on the street in the bustling, horn-blowing early-morning traffic, he analyzed his meeting with the Matarese attorney.
"When he rode through the bustling traffic of Manhattan today, people stopped on the sidewalks as if they had suddenly seen an apparition."
It is a popular destination for tourists who wish to experience the commercial aspect of popular Chinese folk artwork in Beijing without the bustling traffic.
Except for the truck's aroma, he felt safely anonymous in the noisy, bustling, rush-hour traffic.
Bakrajo is on the main road into Sulaimaniya, and the workers and their vehicles are in plain view of bustling traffic.
If the bustling traffic on Sunday at the Port of Piraeus is any indication, they may be right.
Its opening scenes show the bustling traffic of central Berlin.
It was the largest population center along the entire Oregon coast with buildings six or seven stories high, and bustling traffic.
Residents grew dismayed at the bustling traffic, with as many as 35 people at the home at every hour of the day and night.