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But for once not even he could come up with the right words.
Most of those five million will work again, but for less pay.
But for others, the process can take days to months.
But for the first time in years, she at least had hope.
But for the most part, things are pretty much the same.
But for too many people they become an end in themselves.
Not here today, but for all the times to come.
But for students, the change takes place all at once.
And so more people are working, but for less money.
But for them money is the means and not an end.
Not nearly all, but for them the little was enough.
The deal might have gone through but for two things.
But for him all would long ago have been lost.
But for some reason nothing he said or did was ever good enough.
The North would have known them little but for us.
But for several months I was alone in thinking so.
But for the moment, having someone close at hand might be enough.
But for you I should never have run away from my home!
But for some reason or other she got in my hair.
But for the security of the future I would do everything.
But for once, he and the Americans were of one mind.
But for now he needed her, as she did him.
And I should have been one but for the war.
But for some people, they are the only way to go.
But for at least a moment I'll pay attention and see.