A butterfly with wings of metallic blue danced above his head, only to flutter away.
It hummed with bees; white butterflies danced on the warm air like enchanted confetti which never fell to earth.
A brilliant blue butterfly danced over her left shoulder as if reading the words that popped up on the screen.
Beyond the screen of leaves the sunlight pelted down and the butterflies danced in the middle their unending dance.
The butterflies still danced, preoccupied in the center of the clearing.
Huge butterflies danced above the steaming land and running river in seeming ecstasy at simply being alive.
Property values are rising, the schools are top rated, and little white butterflies dance above the hedges.
With a flash of color, the butterfly danced in the air in front of his eyes.
He considered that, while butterflies danced over the nasturtiums.
The butterflies in his whole trunk danced a fandango.