Even with flashlights and the buttery glow reflected off the three-quarters-lit gas giant, she did not want to go charging through an unexplored forest on an unsurveyed planet after dark, pursuing someone who didn't want to see her.
ON a dim street in the East Village, a warm, buttery glow spills forth from the restaurant Prune.
The sparks were up to his shoulders by then, and he shook them like raindrops from his body and neck, his entire form taking on a soft, buttery glow.
The wood had a glorious buttery glow.
It was almost dark in the painting now, the car and its wild rider illuminated by a single streetlamp that ran a buttery glow across the road and the car's chrome.
Softball games unfold in the buttery glow of the midnight sun.
The coiled tubes were waxy in the dim buttery glow.
Paul was pressed in behind Chani, noted the buttery glow of light over rock walls, the way the shadows danced, and he felt the troop's lift of spirits contained in a hushed air of expectancy.
Then a buttery glow leaking from horizon to horizon, flooding the mesas and outcrop rock of the high desert.
Oil lamps provided the only light, suffusing the room with a soft buttery glow.