Haltingly, as Michael removed his knee, she raised her right hand to her lapel and folded it back, revealing a transistorized microphone in the shape of a thick button, attached to the cloth.
Taking a small button attached to a short length of what looked like fine wire, he touched the end of the wire to the skin over the bone behind Tolick's ear, and spoke.
Korilakkuma also has the appearance of a bear, but also has a red button attached to her chest, and so it seems that she is also not a real bear.
However, with the two buttons still attached, those in the know are still able to recognise the clothing items.
Kisser - a button or nodule attached to the bowstring.
He pointed to a thin button attached to either pommel.
People carried about gift neckties with buttons attached, reading "Don't tie the economy in knots."
To calculate television ratings, for example, viewers are asked to log their time by pressing buttons on a "people meter" attached to their television sets.
At least two former top C.I.A. officials have compared the task to being like the Wizard of Oz, pulling levers and pressing buttons attached to nothing.