Watch for this when buying batteries if your machine uses 'end-to-end' pods.
For example, when people buy batteries for their flashlights, the primary process that takes place is related to reason, not emotion.
But people who own electric cars would have to buy new batteries when the old ones no longer hold a charge, G.M. points out.
They can drop off waste portable batteries without having to buy new batteries.
However, the defendants had to buy portable radios and batteries for the inmates who wanted to continue listening to the music.
"It's not like Gillette, which went out and bought batteries and other things to keep the growth going."
He bought heavy-duty batteries first thing next day, and about a week later it happened again just the same way.
Bu Lang leaves the house to buy batteries for his invention.
Recharging takes 30 minutes, but smokers can buy extra batteries.
At least you don't have to buy batteries for them as well.