You can typically buy certificates for one, two, or three years, not longer than that, which is annoying.
We weren't allowed to buy stock or certificates of deposit.
Many used the borrowed money to buy certificates of deposit, which were paying up to 12 percent, and reaped the difference.
Moreover, a developer using the bonus would not have to put up the low-income housing himself, but could buy certificates for housing already completed.
And you can go to - there are a lot of places you can buy certificates, from all the usual authorities.
"We may buy certificates for restaurants or local shops when the job is finished."
Instead, they buy certificates from a low-income housing producer.
He would take investors' money, saying he was buying large certificates of deposit or mortgage interests.
Builders in the Manhattan core could buy enough certificates to meet the requirements of the 421a law.
We're actually also seeing situations now where the criminals are buying certificates.