Jim Brownold, a retired actor, bought more gold coins when the price fell.
Before the vacation, I went to a local coin dealer and bought several old and strange coins.
I bought coins, cards, trinkets, and books, usually with stolen money.
A bourse is where dealers, collectors and the public to buy, sell and trade coins.
The Hunts bought their antiquities and coins between 1977 and 1979.
Churches and synagogues are still buying special coins, but now they're selling them in gift shops.
The survey indicated the professional opinions of numismatists who buy and sell coins.
The firms offer limited partnerships in multimillion-dollar funds that buy and sell coins.
As at Ephesus, you may be approached to buy 'ancient' coins, which despite their grimy appearance are modern.
Whoever is right, experts would agree that investors should try to drive the hardest bargain possible when buying coins.