Buyers wearing beach cover-ups come in to buy ornaments, collectibles and snowmen.
The public and dealers alike use Internet auction websites to buy and sell collectibles.
Many of the original buildings, some over a hundred years old, now house places to buy antiques, collectibles, clothing, and gifts.
"The Canadian fan base isn't willing to buy collectibles," he said before adding, "and there's some respect you have to give them from that."
"Men have most of the money," Mr. Wanamaker says, "and they're the ones who buy the art and collectibles."
He started buying and selling collectibles while he was still in high school.
No offense to baseball, but buying and selling collectibles has become the new American pastime.
In times of revolution and unrest, they tend to buy gold and collectibles.
They were the ones who saw the original movies in black and white and bought the dolls and collectibles for less than a dollar.
That's the group of people who have some money now to buy art and collectibles.