There has been virtually no milk or butter in Nairobi for the last month, and people are walking miles to buy containers of water.
Not sure why they use tap water because you can buy large containers (blue) from water filter places cheaply.
You also can buy special containers for disposing of used needles and syringes.
He also bought jewelry and containers of clothing.
Buying one large watermelon per week versus individual containers of sliced fruit, for example, uses a lot less plastic.
Even better, if pesticides have to be used, buy only small containers, enough to use up in an application.
"People love to go out and buy containers, but getting organized does not start out with a shopping trip," says Robertson.
If it slips your mind, just stop at a nearby pub and buy plastic containers of beer to go.
It is often cheaper to buy new containers in Asia than to ship old ones back.
Now, only licensed technicians can buy containers of less than 20 pounds.